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Making an Impact: Voting, Good Public Policy and Overcoming Partisanship

On Tuesday, October 13th, together with 92Y, the Jack Brooks Foundation hosted a virtual discussion with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Cecile Richards (Supermajority, Make Trouble), Timothy McNulty (Chicago Tribune, The Meanest Man in Congress); Hendrik Hertzberg, staff writer at the New Yorker and former chief speechwriter in the Carter White House, moderated by Rafael Bernal (The Hill).

The vibrant discussion explored the political, social, and economic influence Texas has played throughout American history, and how it has stood as both a reflection and bellwether of national political trends. Texas Congressman Jack Brooks’ (1922-2012) career spanned the tenures of 10 US presidents. Brooks authored important legislation during his 42 years in Congress that remains foundational to our nation’s laws to this day. The Congressman was known for working both sides of the aisle to secure important legislation such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and drafted the articles of impeachment for Nixon.

Enjoy a replay of the conversation above that was introduced by JBF's very own Chairman, Jeb Brooks.

October 13

Making an Impact: Voting, Good Public Policy and Overcoming Partisanship